In 2012 Chrysalis Consortium was set up so that children and foster carers could benefit from a holistic approach, rather than therapy being an ‘add on’ to a foster placement.

By holistic we mean that the starting point for all our foster placements will be ‘what is going to help this child to heal and flourish’? I.e. what is going to be therapeutic for this child? Healing through fun and good relationships will be the main point of all our placements.

We are a relationships based agency. We currently have three office bases for our fostering agency and we recruit carers within 90 minutes of each base. Our main base is Sheffield but we have additional bases in York and Bradford. If you are interested in becoming a therapeutic foster carer with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Testimonials from the Team

"Playing my part in creating a safe and supportive environment where everyone can belong"

Joanne, Family Support Worker

"A safe space for foster carers to build a safe, nurturing and empathetic network. Being part of the fostering community can help carers support one another, know they are not alone and seek support and advice to be as successful as they can to care for children in need. "

Abbey, Principal Social Worker

"Fostering is an amazing but tough role and so community means that you're not in it alone, that there are others share your experience with and to to learn from and to cheer each other on along the way!"

Jude, Clinical Lead

"I have been here from the start and have been privileged to watch many of our children and young people not only grow and heal but thrive in safe and loving homes. We are truly a relationship based service and this is what initially attracted me and the main reason I still work for Chrysalis today."

Chloe Tyas, Engagement & Inclusion Manager

Speak to our team

Whether you’re ready to start your journey or just want to chat to an expert, we're here to talk.